Hello, I write as Marguerite Rosenfern

Welcome to Faye’s Wing, my writing grove. With an academic background in French and American literature, I was a student and practitioner of yoga (Kashmir Shaivism, Shakta Tantra) for thirty years and have hands-on experience in naturopathy and homebirth midwifery. I have lived in various parts of France, the US, Britain, Sweden, and Ireland, and am the mother of three glorious young men (three homebirths, two of which were unassisted).

Throughout, sunshine, love, and music were driving forces, and constant sources of nourishment and solace. I have interviewed artistic luminaries, curated concerts, and hosted residencies, exploring creativity as a path to inner fruition. Dots were connected when I moved to an ancient Irish woodland for an extended silent retreat. I emerged with the resources to tell my story, and to hold fertile space for others to develop their inner poetry.

Read the manifesto

A serialised quantum memoir

Faye’s Wing chronicles a woman’s quest for meaning and identity beyond lifelong spiritual obedience as she grapples with cultural taboo and global fear. Pushing against a gynocentric Tantra yoga path, Marguerite reclaims her personal sovereignty when she meets love and aligns with nature. The story posits that creative fellowship is a path to fulfilment.

Creative companionship?

I write for creative companionship: it can be a source of insights, comfort, courage, and laughter, as we reclaim natural expressions of spirituality beyond taught paths. My hope is for this space to be an online manifestation of Marguerite’s creative arbour in Ireland.

Together, you’ll do you, and I’ll do me—using kindred stories as mirrors, we will join our light and voices to make meaning together, whether it’s in the latest scene, in Notes, or as we Chat. With merry dreamers as companions, this space will provide an arborescent home for interactive storytelling, to hopefully shapeshift into a brighter reality.

I hope you join me as Marguerite finds her way back to light-hearted, creative spiritual sovereignty, and that you find yours too.

Subscribe to Marguerite Rosenfern

Creative companionship for intrepid sovereignty: reclaiming natural spirituality together, through collaborative storytelling and music.


Musical storyteller & lover of silence. Remembering that we move in light.