I love the minutiae, the idle moments, the dwelling. They make it real, and colourful, they make it life. I'm loving the story so far, and I think that the Intermezzi will add even more depth to it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter! X

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Aug 26Liked by Marguerite Rosenfern

I love this reflective exploration of the story so far - so poignant and so powerful. It resonates very strongly me as I've been revisiting my own journals recently, dipping in and out at random from the last 20+ years - though it's mostly extremely boring!

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Yes, I'm always floored by the way our view of a situation changes over time. And boring can be such a relief - no drama!

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Aug 23Liked by Marguerite Rosenfern

Well, I love all the minutiae - sorry bash. For me, it is precisely Marguerite’s concentration on these tiny (beautiful) details that help us understand the huge leaps her mind was taking back and forth in her decision making. When you leave something - a place, people, a spiritual path, small unimportant details can become magnified in memory. It helps us see her. I imagine not all these details will be included in the full manuscript, but I hope most of them are 🙂.

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